Bem-vindos ao Savoir-MH - por Maria Helena

Welcome to Savoir-MH - by Maria Helena

Jul 26, 2024

For a long time, I've been looking for a better - and bigger - opportunity to share with the world who I am. As a true Aries, I love to live my life intensely and to share this inner intensity, which I've always seen as a fundamental characteristic of my being, with the world. I've always done this through my writing - words empower me to articulate what blooms in my mind and soul. But the platforms I was using to express myself and connect with the world were no longer satisfying me.

I'm passionate about thinking, talking, traveling, writing, dreaming, laughing, and sharing. I spent a long time searching for a space where I could give free rein to my ideas, which often didn't fit into the limited captions of Instagram or the space available within a Story. Instagram, while an extremely powerful tool for communication and dissemination of information, wasn't proving to be deep enough for me.

I thought a lot about how we got here. How did we come to venerate a platform supposedly created for the expansion and sharing of ideas, but which simultaneously imposes so many limits on how we can express our deepest and most extensive ideas, forcing us to cut them into superficial and visually appealing pieces? A few years ago, we saw a migratory movement from the blogosphere - where many wrote, calmly and carefully, about travel, cooking, makeup, fashion, tips - to Instagram, where everything was diminished. This movement prized the "simplicity" of communication but did not offer a satisfactory answer to the enigma of the ideas that throbbed to be disseminated. Without a solution, its users adapted to this simple and superficial format, prioritizing images over written content.

“My way of seeing life tells me that the only way to return to the real appreciation of ideas, reflections, and contemplations is through the inverse movement - returning to the old blog.”

My career change, which I also intend to write about here, and the creation of MH Studios are results of my commitment to authenticity and returning to my roots. Both say a lot about my desire to dive into the opposite movement: with the career change, I went against the social expectations that existed for me. And when I created MH, I envisioned an analog universe that values fleeting moments and cherishes the pause in our very intense day-to-day life. MH invests in something that people understood was no longer even desirable - stationery. Thinking that we had "evolved" from physical albums, we migrated to the cloud and digital platforms, forgetting the enormous value that exists in caring for our memories with affection. We see the same trend now - we have "evolved" to social media, but we live consuming information superficially, and I see this as a step backward. My way of seeing life tells me that the only way to return to the real appreciation of ideas, reflections, and contemplations is through the inverse movement - returning to the old blog.

It is with great pride and intention that I open and share this space to create a kind of community for everyone who is interested in deep reflections. I want to give wings to everything I want to communicate, and I want to do it in the way I think it deserves to be done. I hope that this blog will give vent to my perspective and allow me to share with the world a little bit of who I am, what my way of seeing life is and my journey so far. I already know where this is going to take me.

I hope to see you here in this space every week.

With affection, 
Maria Helena.

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