Leituras de Carnaval por Marcela Levy

Carnival Readings by Marcela Levy

Feb 28, 2025

I am a lawyer, mother of twins, writer and creator of the Instagram profile @mae_le_pra_mim . Children's literature is my great passion and I created the profile to bring together the books that we most enjoy reading. I love choosing readings that draw parallels to what we are experiencing and the selection I made for Savoir this week could not be on any other theme. In this column, 5 books that celebrate various aspects of the most beautiful Brazilian festival: Carnival.

 1. February

Author and illustrator: Carol Fernandes

Publisher : Caixote

This book is a gem. It is February: in this month, the protagonist boy's house is transformed. Little by little, we learn about the preparations that are taking place around him. February announces the preparations of one of the most important groups in Bahia, Filhos de Ghandy. Curiosity, discovery, flavors, smells and colors... everything is revealed as you turn the pages. A book of poetry, with artwork, dedicated to the master Gilberto Gil and that celebrates the beauty of traditions in a touching way. 

 2. The pufferfish who loved costumes 

Authors : Fera Neném Band

Illustrator: Rômolo D'Hipólito

Publisher : Brinque-book

The text of this book is a delightful song by Banda Fera Neném. Tired of being a puffer fish, the little fish is trying out costumes. With sequins and ribbons, a tulle tail and lots of glitter, he is going to be a pirarucu, a tucunaré, a guaiamum and even a mermaid. The animals around him don't like the game and criticize him. The puffer fish becomes embarrassed, angry, annoyed and starts to swell, swell and swell, until... I won't give any spoilers, just say that this book full of Brazilian things is richly illustrated and invites us to free ourselves and be whoever we want to be. 

3. The ibejis and carnival 

Author : Helena Theodoro

Illustrator : Luciana Justiniani Hees 

Publisher : Pallas 

A grandmother loves to tell stories to her two grandchildren, “Ibejis” (the African name for twins): Neinho and Lalá. Since they were babies, the pair have been very curious and what they want to know today is about the celebration of Carnival. As we turn the pages, we learn together with the children about the African influences in the different ways of celebrating Carnival, through samba schools, Afro blocks in Bahia, small blocks in Rio de Janeiro and afoxés. We meet the master of ceremonies and the flag bearer and many other details about the most beautiful Brazilian party. I love the grandmother’s phrase at the end of the book: “To dance is to get in touch with the cosmos, with God.”

 4. The leopard's secret 

Author : Ana Maria Machado 

Illustrator : Elisabeth Teixeira 

Publisher : Global

Ana Maria Machado needs no introduction. In this classic by the beloved author, all the animals were getting ready for Carnival. The entire forest was decorated, the drummers were rehearsing, the samba dancers were dancing. But in the jaguar's den there was much sadness, because Afonsinha, the little jaguar, could not go to the party. The family did not have money for a costume...and going without a costume would be humiliating, according to her father. Very sad, Afonsinha decides to leave the forest so as not to hear the lively music that was keeping her awake. The little jaguar goes so far that she reaches the city, where people are also celebrating Carnival. And where a big surprise awaits our protagonist!

 5. Dona Ivone Lara and the dream of dancing samba and enchanting

Author: Jacques Fux

Illustrator : Flavia Borges 

Publisher : Little Letters Company

The illustrated (and humorous!) biography of the eternal lady of Brazilian samba: Dona Ivone Lara. The incredible journey of our protagonist begins with a childhood musical contact, continues with a career of over thirty years in the health field and culminates with recognition in music as a singer and composer. Breaking barriers and overcoming prejudices, Dona Ivone Lara was the first woman to compose a samba-enredo. Let's get to know the life, art and dreams of the samba singer who marked the artistic history of our country with her brilliant, unmistakable and unforgettable voice.

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