Caderno novo, ideias infinitas.

New Notebook, Infinite Ideas.

Oct 8, 2024

We've already seen it in another article here (have you checked it out yet? If not, just click here) that the habit of writing can be developed. But beyond creating a writing routine, which is an essentially creative act, through practices like journaling, notebooks, pads, post-its, and other objects designed for writing, can help us to stimulate creativity even more. We can explore some creative ways to use a notebook to boost inspiration and creativity such as:

- Collecting words and phrases: an endless brainstorming. From conversations and various readings, you are likely to find new words or intriguing phrases. Be sure to write everything down in your favorite notebook (Mission Notebook, cough cough). They can turn into insights and incredible ideas at the most varied times and for the most varied purposes.

- Creative visualization: in plain Portuguese, practically a sketchbook. Use the pages to record in the form of illustration everything that comes to your mind, releasing creativity in a lighter and more fun way.

- Dreams: have you ever thought about recording your dreams? Not as a form of diary, but as a source of inspiration. They can be the basis of a much bigger and more original idea.

- Morning habits: creating a routine every morning and recording it day after day helps to clarify ideas and, consequently, clear the mind for creativity to flourish.

A blank notebook is not just an empty page, it is a portal to a world of ideas and stories waiting to be discovered.

Of course, not every day, hour, minute, and second are we in search of perfect creativity (millennial references, anyone else get that?), so we've brought you other tips on how to best take advantage of the pages of your new Mission:

- The most common use: class notes. Since we were young, we have been accustomed to recording school subjects in an "analog" way, so why not step away from the digital and go back to the roots, using the old paper and pen to fix new knowledge even more?


- Lists: To-do lists, movies, series and/or music to get to know, review after watching, restaurants, bars, museums, galleries... there are so many possible lists that we would need an exclusive article for them.

- Travel records: from the itinerary in a more visual way, which also serves as a reminder not to miss any details, to the impressions of tours, places visited and other memories can make your new notebook a beautiful record of memories to revisit year after year!

- Recipes: remember the good old recipe book of our grandmothers? Why not do the same and leave new recipes for the future of the family? Preserving traditions is also a way of caring and transmitting affection.

If the dilemma "why do I need a notebook" was hovering around, now we hope to have answered it. Discover the new Mission Notebook collection and start collecting your records.

Edited by Bruna Medina.

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